28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleThe time has finally come: the week when you realize that Halloween is upon us, but you’ve been too busy making gains in the gym to even think about putting effort into a costume. Maybe you’ve had a few fleeting thoughts—if that—about how you’re going to dress up, and maybe your girlfriend has spent the month begging you to dress as the companion to whatever elaborate costume she’ll be donning when you inevitably end up at a Halloween gathering.
Don’t worry though because we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled 13 easy Halloween get-ups that can be thrown together in a flash with a few items you probably have lying around your house anyway. You might have to run to the store for a bit of face paint or a quick prop, but these are ideas that will impress all the ghouls and goblins at your spooky bash.
Give your diet the day off and embrace the sugary side of life.
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United Artists/Kobal/Shutterstock
Rocky Balboa is a fitness icon, and one approach would be to dress in his boxing gear. But if you’ve already started bulking or if it’s freezing outside, you may want to opt for something along the lines of the sweatsuit Rocky wears in the iconic training montage from 1976’s Rocky.
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20th Century Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock
Arnold Schwazenegger has been in plenty of movies, from thrilling action flicks like Terminator and Predator to comedies like Twins and Jingle All the Way. But one of Schwarzenegger’s most badass roles was undeniably John Matrix, a former Special Forces colonel out to take down a former dictator to save his daughter. Who could forget the moment when a deadpan Matrix “let Sully go“?
The most important aspect of this costume is also the cheapest: some black body paint for you face and torso.
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Moviestore Collection/Shutterstock
In his Incredible Hulkdays, Lou Ferrigno’s physique was nothing short of incredible. After all, he played our favorite green maniac in the late-’70s-early-’80s series, long before CGI could take Dr. Banner from man to monster. So if you’ve got the physique for it, this one’s as easy as can be, although it could get a little messy if you don’t get a little help.
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Lev Radin/Pacific Press/Shutterstock
While Terry Crews may have been the most jacked face of Old Spice ever, Isaiah Mustafa’s embodiment is a hilarious throwback that’s insanely easy to replicate:
You may not have all (or any) of the skills he boasts in the commercial, but you don’t need those. All you do need is a towel, some shorts, and Old Spice to make this one work. Bonus: You’ll smell great, no matter where the night takes you.
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Works best at: beach parties.
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Camilla Morandi/Shutterstock
He’s gone through a few persona overhauls, but the one thing that’s never changed about the former Doctor of Thuganomics is his jean shorts. There’s a fair amount of customization here, and some optional accessories. The most important aspects are probably the jean shorts and the wrist bands.
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John Rambo is one of those action-movie badasses who seems to transcend time. Even those who have never seen the movie have a very clear idea of the gist of it. Sly Stallone‘s depiction of a gritty, troubled Vietnam veteran evading law enforcement launched the original film, First Blood, into a franchise. If your friends can’t guess this costume at first sight, that’s their problem. This one’s also super-customizable, since Stallone appeared both in a black, raw-cut muscle tank and shirtless. The important parts? The bandana, the bullet belt, and the absurdly chiseled upper body and/or jawline.
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View this post on InstagramFanny pack and lean take it to a whole other level... #90sRock #WTF #BuffLesbian
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This Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson throwback photo has become downright iconic, inspiring plenty of fans to throw a fanny pack on last Halloween. It’s still recognizable, and gym-honed shoulders would take this look up a notch. And you may even end up with a repost from The Rock himself if you play your social media cards right.
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This one is admittedly not badass, but it’s hilarious and directly related to fitness. Richard Simmons shot to fame for his weight-loss programs back in the day, and he’s still at it now. His signature brightly colored tank tops and short-shorts are easy enough to replicate, as long as you never skip legs day.
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Fury Prods/Ratpax Documentary/Xyz/Kobal/Shutterstock
Dolph Lundgren, another Hollywood badass who’s still keeping up with his fitness today, played He-Man in 1987’s Masters of the Universe. We can only imagine all the physique goals that were born that year. Just a little more serious and intimidating than the cartoon version of this comic-book hero, Lundgren’s He-Man is ripped out of his mind. If you are, too, show off those quads and that six-pack with this costume. This may be a bare-minimum He-Man, but we don’t have time for elaborate equipment, and that’s not our fault. Besides, the abs are more impressive anyway. (If you have a set of old football pads lying around that no one’s gonna miss, you can easily cut out the shoulders, spray-paint them gold, and tie them together to complete the look. Remember: It’s optional, but you have the power.)
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More like lumber-jacked, right? This one may actually be the easiest costume ever, and you probably have everything you need already. And this is customizable, because if you don’t want to get a fake chainsaw or ax, you can just carry a roll of paper towels around with you (which, given most of the Halloween parties we’ve been to, may not be a bad idea). Boom: You’re instantly the Brawny Man instead of a plain ol’ lumberjack.
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Cinergi/20th Century Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock
Die Hard may just be one of the best Christmas movies of all time (because it’s totally a Christmas movie in our book, despite the absence of the Grinch or much holiday cheer). In the original, Bruce Willis takes on a slew of bad guys as NYPD cop John McClane, who has to take matters into his own hands to save his wife, one of their hostages. This is another one that you’ve probably got most of the supplies for. Yippee ki-yay, motherf*cker!
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There have been countless depictions of this jungle hero, but our personal favorite might be former M&F cover starAlexander Skarsgard‘s. His physique is impressive, and his costume may be the easiest (and most full-coverage, for any of you legs-day skippers).
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Since Zeus is literally a Greek god, you’ve got to have the physique to back this one up. If not, you can just tell people you’re masquerading as a frat boy at a toga party. This one’s pretty straightforward, and can really be tailored to any Greek or Roman deity of your choice, depending on your accessories. Take Poseidon/Neptune, for example: Add a trident, and you’re suddenly the king of the ocean. The most important accessories, if the statue we’re referencing is any indication, are some killer obliques.
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Use this how-to guide as a primer for playing the fastest-growing sport in America.
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