28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThere are many reasons why you may not be losing bodyfat. Perhaps you’re stressed at work or home, and as a result can’t get enough sleep. Maybe you have trouble controlling your cravings and can’t stop digging into a pint of ice cream every other night (as you tell yourself, “It’s OK, I’ll just have an extra hard workout tomorrow” to justify the binge.)
Whether you’re just beginning your weight loss journey or you’re trying to drop those last five pounds, getting rid of excess body fat can be a challenge even if you don’t have added stress. As we mentioned, there’s tons of reasons why you might be holding onto some flab but these 10 reasons are usually behind the slow progress.
We recommend you read the list and the advice offered to remedy these problems. Sometimes it’s a simple fix like getting rid of all the junk food in your cabinet, and other times it might require a lifestyle overhaul. Either way, we guarantee that if you stop doing these 10 things you’re guaranteed to have a slimmer body.
Make sure you’re doing your very best at controlling these so you can optimize your results and get the lean body you’ve been working for, faster than ever.
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